At Capita, we are dedicated to achieving better outcomes for our employees, clients, the communities we serve, and the environment.

We integrate responsible business practices into every aspect of our operations, from the services and products we offer to our community and environmental initiatives. I am very proud of our progress and the awards and achievements we have garnered over the years, including the Silver Talent Inclusion and Diversity Evaluation (TIDE) Award, being ranked 18 out of 400 on the Forbes global list of top employers for women, Charities Trust Payroll Giving Gold Award, and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)  A List Award. These accomplishments reflect our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment. I am looking forward to continuing this journey and achieving even greater milestones in the future.

Scott Hill
Scott Hill

Chief People Officer at Capita

Our Responsible Business Strategy (2024-2026)

Our responsible business strategy was developed in collaboration with our leaders, colleagues, clients, investors, and community groups to identify the most pertinent issues that Capita should address. It prioritises our action through one cross-cutting theme and our company purpose: to create better outcomes for all our stakeholders, and four key themes.

Our people

Support a healthy, safe, diverse and inclusive workforce

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Our communities

Have a positive impact on our customers and communities

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Our planet

Reduce our environmental impact

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Our business

Operate ethically, responsibly and securely

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Find out more about our responsible business strategy

Our people

Our commitments

We prioritise the wellbeing, safety, and health of our workforce.

We continuously strive to create a great in-work experience for all our people.

We are committed to representing the diversity of the communities in which we live and work, at all levels of the business.


Increase gender & ethnic representation at management level

Achieve Gold TIDE Award

Achieve Disability Confident Scheme Level 3

Supporting the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being


5 Gender equality


8 Decent work and economic growth


10 Reduced inequalities

Our communities

Our commitments

We create positive social impact through our supply chains.

We support our employees to be active members of their communities.

We deliver programmes that grow skills and reduce economic inequality in the communities in which we work.

We support and protect vulnerable customers through our contract delivery


Increase the total volunteering hours collectively to 44,000 annually

Maintain 96% compliance in Modern Slavery Government Assessment Tool

Supporting the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being


5 Gender equality


8 Decent work and economic growth


10 Reduced inequalities

Our planet

Our commitments

We will be a net zero organisation by 2045.

We use natural resources responsibly.


We will be net zero by 2045

55% of suppliers will have or will have committed to Science Based Target Initiative.

Supporting the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Climate action

Visit our climate change hub for more information:

Our business

Our commitments

We prioritise the wellbeing, safety, and health of our workforce.

We continuously strive to create a great in-work experience for all our people.

We are committed to representing the diversity of the communities in which we live and work, at all levels of the business.


EcoVadis Silver Medal

Prompt Payment Code adherence

Mandatory data security & cyber protection training – 96% plus annual compliance.

Supporting the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

8 Decent work and economic growth

Our responsible business governance

In accordance with our operating model, accountability for our responsible business strategy is sponsored by our ESG Committee, who report to the Board on progress against our strategy and goals.

Within the parameters set by the Board, the ESG Committee sets the strategy, ensuring appropriate resources are in place to deliver the programmes.

The responsible business team executes the strategy, developing and delivering business-wide programmes, monitoring performance against stated goals and raising awareness of responsible business practices across all the functions and divisions.

Find out more:

    Our ESG committee reports biannually to the Board on progress against our strategy and goals.

    Provides oversight, guidance and strategic direction on ESG matters on behalf of the Board.

    Assists in managing ESG risk and controls (ESG principal risk).

    Approves the Responsible Business strategy, within the parameters set by the Board, and ensures resources and budgets are in place to deliver agreed responsible business outcomes.

    Collaborates to align cross-Group expertise and delivery within all areas of Responsible Business.

    Develops and executes business-wide strategy on our approach to responding to the global challenges that our business and society face, working with divisions and functional experts to deliver programmes of work that create better outcomes for our people, our communities and the environment.

    Accountable for embedding responsible business across our global operations through every employee conversation, every contract discussion and everything we do at Capita.

    Capita’s materiality process

    Capita’s materiality assessment followed a double materiality process aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an independent international organisation that provides the most widely used framework for sustainability reporting. The purpose of this assessment was to identify what these issues are for Capita.

    A double materiality process evaluates:

    • what environment and societal issues could impact a business and its financial success (inside impacts)
    • where the business impacts the environment and society (outside impacts).

    We used the four phases approach and our activities in the materiality process are outlined below:

      • Identified internal and external stakeholders to interview.
      • Identified Capita’s peers and stakeholders and listed their most material issues from their sustainability reports.
      • Ranked the issues and categorised them by topic.
      • Created the first draft of the material issue list and definitions. Cross checked this list with Capita’s principal risk profile.
      • Interviewed internal and external stakeholders and asked them questions about Capita’s external context, the identification and rank of potential material issues.
      • Developed the second draft of the material issue list to test with internal stakeholders in the challenge workshops.
      • Conducted the Responsible Business Strategy Review – Trends and Materiality Challenge Session with senior leaders to determine the final materiality matrix ranking.
      • Determined what additions and changes should be made to incorporate senior leaders’ views into the final materiality matrix.
      • Conducted the Responsible Business Strategy Review - Final Trends and Materiality Session with the Responsible Business team to finalise the materiality matrix and get approval by the Executive team.

      As a result, we established the following material issues:

      • Employee health, safety, wellbeing and inclusion
      • Customer welfare
      • Cyber and data security
      • Local community impact
      • Climate change, energy, and waste management
      • Transparent and sustainable supply chains
      • Human rights and labour rights
      • Business ethics
      • Public policy and regulation
      • Biodiversity and natural environment

      Our strategy focuses on these challenges, prioritising them in the order in which we can have the greatest impact:

      • support a healthy, safe, diverse and inclusive workforce
      • have a positive impact on our customers and communities
      • reduce our environmental impact
      • operate ethically, responsibly and securely

      Responsible business awards, partnerships and accreditation

      Disability Confident - Employer

      Fair tax accredited



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